Lucent KS-24361 in Edmonton, AB, Canada
HP Z3801A #1

HP Z3801A #2

HP Z3801A #3

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Data Plotted with GPSCon: GPSCon

Power-on time
Days Hrs Mins Secs
           HEWLETT-PACKARD,Z3805A,3542A00728,3543B-A. Life count: 52687
------------------------------- Receiver Status -------------------------------
SYNCHRONIZATION ............................................. [ Outputs Valid ]
SmartClock Mode ___________________________   Reference Outputs _______________
>> Locked to GPS                              TFOM     3             FFOM     0
   Recovery                                   1PPS TI -13.7 ns relative to GPS
   Holdover                                   HOLD THR 1.000 us
   Power-up                                   Holdover Uncertainty ____________
                                              Predict  26.9 us/initial 24 hrs
ACQUISITION ............................................ [ GPS 1PPS CLK Valid ]
Satellite Status __________________________   Time ____________________________
Tracking: 5        Not Tracking: 4            UTC      00:13:25     06 Aug 2022
PRN  El  Az   SS   PRN  El  Az                1PPS CLK Synchronized to UTC
  1  46 292   79     3  18 292                ANT DLY  100 ns
 21  52 251   99   *10  Acq .                 Position ________________________
 22  82 195   71    12  11  54                MODE     Hold
 31  31 169  126    17  12 333                
 32  66  73  121                              LAT      N  53:36:16.446
                                              LON      W 113:27:06.219
ELEV MASK 10 deg   *attempting to track       HGT              +688.57 m  (MSL)
HEALTH MONITOR ......................................................... [ OK ]
Self Test: OK    Int Pwr: OK   Oven Pwr: OK   OCXO: OK   EFC: OK   GPS Rcv: OK